
The following hazards are currently active at NZNE:

Location Details Outcomes
Loss of situational awareness Loss of situational awareness can result in loss of seperation, collision, poor time and fuel management, emergency scenarios, flight into adverse weather conditions. Controlled By: Training in maintaining SA (PPL, CPL, BFR, Type Rating etc.). Maintaining a good look out. Having good pre-flight preparation. Maintaining awareness on the aircraft and environmental situation.
Maintenance/Mechanical Failure RISK: Mechanical Failure, causing aircraft break-up, engine failure, critical part failure. Managed By: Setting and maintaining sound maintenance programmes. Having a maintenance controller. Strong maintenance contracts and maintaing those contracts. Communication with engineering facilities. Training in ensuring aircraft do not fly past hours limits. Continuing education on aircraft technical knowledge. No punishment for No-Go desicion based of ANY maintenance concerns.
Within 4km of NZNE RPAS operations within 4km of NZNE pose an increased risk to aircraft due to the lack of rules for drone operators. NSAC has implemented the following actions: Part 101 operators are prohibited from operating within 4km of the AD (excluding shielded operations) unless supervised by a Part 102 operator approved by NSAC Part 101 Operators are unable to fly within 1km of the AD ref point or within the final approach path for any runway. (Map available). All proposed RPAS operations must complete the required form and provide at least 48 hours notice. Application for geo-fencing sent to DJI Other actions are detailed in the attached OIR
Vicinity NZNE Air Traffic - NZNE and assocaietd airpsace experiences high traffic volume at times Exercise caution & maintain good lookout when operating in the area, potential for high traffic volume. RISK: Aircraft could experience loss of separation or collision. Application for new VRP has been made and should be on next chart issue
BBQ Area between NSAC and outside office building. Wall near BBQ area able to be climbed (usually by children). Falling or jumping off this wall could lead the person to be injured or end up airside. Please do not climb on the wall near the BBQ area outside.
Aerodrome Birds on airfield - Located mainly around NE end RWY 03/21 between tyres. RISK: Aircraft could collide with one or more birds Groundsman to cull plovers on a regular basis. Propane Bird Gun installed. Uploaded to associations is an EASA SIB regarding brid strike risk mitigation for rotorcraft. The following points may be transferable - SMS (Consult bird control experts to identify and quantiy bird threat within the area, Identify known areas of high bird concentration and incorpoate this information into bulletins, NOTAM and any other operational alerting process, Consideration to how nearby development and change of land use to where birds will relocate) Inflight - If a bird strike has occurred or strongly suspected the aircraft should be landed as soon as practical and a full inspection carried out, engineering advice should be sought prior to RTS)
NZNE Avgas pumps/GBA apron Refuelling Hazard - exercise caution taxiing at fuel pad when helicopters present. RISK: Aircraft could impact each other or pumps causing damage
Apron Apron can become busy - remain vigilant Potential collision between aircraft Potential collision between aircraft &/or ground vehicles People could walk into moving aircraft All pilots now encouraged to wear hi vis vests
NZNE air & ground New, low time PPL holders with minimal C172 time. RISK: Inexperienced PPL holders that have learnt on R2120 and then obtain C172 type rating, not maintaining sufficient currency on type & potentially reverting back to R2120 techniques, particularly during the landing phase resulting in incorrect landing technique & damage to aircraft/injury to persons. Continued competency checks required for new C172 type ratings. Please don't be offended if we ask to conduct a check flight prior to signing you out.
Vicinity NZNE NORDO aircraft and drones may be present, be vigilant. RISK: Drone could collide with aircraft. Students are always having the principle of eyes outside to see and avoid reinforced to them. The subject has also been mentioned in the latest proptalk article and is also on the hazard register.
Not approved/trained/current RISK: fatal or serious injury
NZNE Apron Aircraft movement close to hangars Prioximity of hangar to apron - Do not taxi aircraft in "NO TAXIING" area RISK: Aircraft could taxi into hangar causing damage
NZNE Apron ONLY AUTHORISED PERSONS ARE PERMITTED ONTO THE MANOEUVERING AREA RISK: Young children or animals could make their way onto the airside of the fence unaccompanied.
Disease Outbreak/Epidemic Risk: Contraction of contagious disease. Business and Operational Risk Managed By: Epidemic Policy. Please ask at reception if you would like a copy of our epidemic policy.
Economic down turn resulting in loss of income for NSAC and NSA. Risk: Loss of income can result in critical safety resources not able to be provided and safety staff being made redundant. Due to COVID-19 the chance of a steep economic down turn is more likely than prior to this. Managed By: North Shore is currently in an incredibly strong financial position making the risk and consequence of a steep economic down turn initially very low. CEO will manage the consequences of an economic down turn and managing safety during this time if there are any future indicators that NSAC and NSA is at financial risk.
NZNE manoeuvering areas Loose stones on apron, exercise caution when selecting runup area RISK: damage potential to aircraft propellors, particularly during runups
Eastern Coastline Parasails and Paramotors are often observed operating along the coastline NE and E of NZNE, up to 1500 ft AMSL. Parasails and Paramotors often operate along the eastern coastline between Waiwera and North Head (including the Whangaparaoa Peninsula). Hang glider symbols are marked on the VNC within the East Coast Bays area, but could be operating anywhere during daylight hours, within Class G airspace. Paramotors may or may not transmit position and intentions over the radio frequency. It is advisable to avoid flying at low level along coastlines, and pilots are encouraged to maintain and thorough and continuous lookout at all times to see and avoid airborne threats.
Caution helicopter operations to and from black hangar at 240 Postman Rd (SE boundary of NZNE). Helicopters will transit via hover-taxi to and from hangar along eastern boundary of aerodrome not above hangar roof height. Helicopters will enter and exit the aerodrome near intersection of southeastern taxiway and runway 09/27 and will utilise the preferred helicopter arrival and departure procedures or the standard fixed-wing circuit. Meeting with hangar owners/operators and DG/JP on 29.8.24. An Aviation Assessment Report complied by Mike Haines Aviation on behalf of the operator was presented (see attached). NSA comments to assessment report were emailed to operator on 31.8.24 (see attached). Amended assessment report received by NSA on 5.9.24 (attached). Standard operating procedures for 240 Postman Road hangar helicopter ops agreed 5.9.24. DG suggested that Larry Bennett (Ops Manager Airlift) be used to carryout proving flights and training with helicopter pilots. This was carried out 24.9.24. Larry provided feedback attached.
Club hangar Exercise caution near door rail in hangar - trip hazard. RISK:Someone may trip. The edges could also cause tyre damage.
Hangar Exercise caution when moving aircraft in and out of hangar. Instructor must be present. RISK: damage can occur when moving aircraft in or out of the hangar. Injury to persons by moving aircraft - wings, empennage etc.